What is the proposed levy?

The district has not passed a new operating levy since 1991.

Therefore, the issue on the November ballot is a combined 11.75 mill levy-  10.75 mill operating and 1.0 mill permanent improvement- issue. This levy will raise $5,334,476 per year for the Field Local School District.   $4,880,478 per year for operating monies and $453,998 per year for permanent improvement monies.

It will cost the homeowner approximately $34 per month ($1.13 per day) per $100,000 of home value if the 11.75 mill levy passes or $411 per year.  Operating money may be used for any legal expenditure, largely, to pay for daily cost associated with operating a school.  Permanent Improvement money is limited to costs related to capital improvements, largely, improvements which represent a normal duration of 5 years or more (i.e. parking lots improvements).  All decisions are based on providing our students with the best possible education.

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